I recently made this video to give you an explanation of why it is that I believe it it is possible to heal from cirrhosis. I've seen medical studies that show that fibrosis CAN be reduced! You can see some testimonials on this page: http://healing-liver-cirrhosis.blogspot.com/2017/04/amazing-testimonials-from-people-who.html
My Husband Beat Cirrhosis
Thanks to alternative treatments, my husband was off all of his prescription medications a year after being diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Disease. He was able to run a mile in under nine minutes with no training. A year later, A FibroScan confirmed he no longer has cirrhosis.* His MELD score is a 6, and he's down to Stage 2. He just went on a 12 mile hike. If a doctor tries to tell you cirrhosis can't be reversed, please consider alternative treatments. Some of them really do work!
Monday, July 4, 2016
Results From My Husband's Fibroscan - See Video Footage / Proof of His Scores! *
Thanks for visiting my site. If you want to see video footage of my husband's FibroScan scores, please scroll down the page.
I recently made this video to give you an explanation of why it is that I believe it it is possible to heal from cirrhosis. I've seen medical studies that show that fibrosis CAN be reduced! You can see some testimonials on this page: http://healing-liver-cirrhosis.blogspot.com/2017/04/amazing-testimonials-from-people-who.html
The video below will show you real footage from my husband's FibroScan. I did not inform the Elastographer that I was making this video, because I didn't want her to say no, you can't film this. As far as I was concerned, I had every right to film these results since they were my husband's results and I wanted to have some kind of concrete proof that all this stuff we've been doing actually worked!
I got tears in my eyes as I saw the numbers on the screen. I knew that the marker for Cirrhosis was 12.5, so I was very happy to see the numbers flashing on the screen were often below that. Sometimes, they went higher, but the ones the Elastographer actually registered came out to a median score of 9.37. I had to calculate this myself, by the way. My husband's doctor did not give the numbers to us, and in fact, he seemed pretty incredulous that we were able to get the results we did. It was as if he didn't want to acknowledge it. I actually do like this doctor so I'm not trying to say anything bad about him, but his reaction was a little bit of a disappointment.
I called someone who was a representative for Fibroscan and asked him how to get the overall score (since Jake's doctor didn't give it to him), and he confirmed what I figured... you just take the scores you are given, and come up with the average of all the numbers. My husband's score of 9.37 means he is technically in the "fibrosis" stage (not CIRRHosis). Needless to say, we were very happy about this. I am hopeful that his numbers will continue to improve.
If you would like to learn more about what my husband did, please visit my other blog at www.HealingLiverCirrhosis.com. You can find thousands of hours worth of my work / writing / research, over the last 4 years, on that site.
Best regards,
I recently made this video to give you an explanation of why it is that I believe it it is possible to heal from cirrhosis. I've seen medical studies that show that fibrosis CAN be reduced! You can see some testimonials on this page: http://healing-liver-cirrhosis.blogspot.com/2017/04/amazing-testimonials-from-people-who.html
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Scheduling a Phone Session
Want to talk to me, and learn the best stuff from my 5 years of research? Here's how to do it....
You may have already seen my main blog about cirrhosis (if not, you can find it by going to the "about me" section on the right side of the page). You can also see some of my testimonials on this page: http://healing-liver-cirrhosis.blogspot.com/2017/04/amazing-testimonials-from-people-who.html.
I have spent literally thousands of hours doing research and writing, to share what we learned (if you have a look you'll see the posts date all the way back to 2013).
In the summer of 2015, I started talking to people over the phone, for free, and I've spent the last year and a half talking to hundreds of people with cirrhosis (and their family members). Although I have a ton of information on my blog, I still get many calls from people who want to talk to me on the phone about what my husband did.
Please understand that you can find a good amount of information on my main blog. The information that I provide there, completely for free, cost me TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars to learn about and write about it (I stopped working, in order to stay home and write). I strongly feel that the things I have on my main blog were very helpful to my husband in that first year of his recovery. I truly do feel that those things helped him get his MELD score down to an 8, in the first year of his recovery.
If you need more detailed information (or don't want to "dig" through my blog)...
I recently started doing paid phone sessions, for people who want additional support. I am NOT able to give "medical advice." I can give you my very strong opinion regarding what worked for my husband, and I can share a TON of information with you (in a condensed manner). These are the most critical things that I wish we had known about in the first year of my husband's recovery. I can't tell you for sure, what definitely would work for you, personally (neither can a doctor, but I do have to state that). My main objective is to save you time by presenting you with the very best resources I've found, after doing 5 years of research.
Knowing what I know now, I would have paid over a thousand bucks for this info, but there was nobody who was able to tell me about all this stuff I really needed to know from the moment my husband started showing the FIRST signs of Cirrhosis.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PHONE SESSION COMES WITH A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If for some reason you don't feel that I was able to give you any advice that will save you AT LEAST the amount of money you paid for your phone session, I will refund your money. Just call me and let me know, within 48 hours after the session (I will try to make it right, and if I can't, I'll give you back your money).
What you get when you a book a phone session:
A phone session is 20-30 minutes. I want to spend almost all of that time hearing your story, and giving you time to ask me questions directly. Again, I'm not a doctor, but I can share lots of research based on what you tell me, and then you can make your own decisions about what you want to do for yourself or your loved one. I will try answer whatever I can. When our session is over, I can give you access to a private blog that I created, to basically tell you everything that I would normally tell you during a phone conversation that would normally last 3 hours! There is additional information in the private blog, that you will not find on my main (free) blog.
In addition, if you purchase a consultation, you will be eligible for a bonus coupon. If you choose to purchase a machine, you can use the coupon for that.
I have recently realized that it is inefficient (for everyone) when I keep repeating the same stuff over and over again. It eats into the time that I need to be spending following up with people who have purchased machines from us. I realized it would be more beneficial for everyone if I could just put the most important information into a special blog, that you could access at your own convenience. My guess is that you don't want to spend 3 straight hours on the phone, either!
PLEASE NOTE... these phone sessions, and my private blogs, are ONLY for people with cirrhosis, or their family members who are trying to help them. I will need to do the phone session first, and then if you would like to have blog access, I will give it to you after you've booked your phone session and we've spoken on the phone.
This is what I cover on my new, private blog:
The very first thing I would do, after getting a diagnosis of cirrhosis, based on what I know now.
The reason it’s so critical to remove toxins from the body ASAP
The drink my husband drank dozens of GALLONS OF in 2014, that you can go and get TODAY (cost is about $30 a gallon but well worth it)
The SUPER POTENT type of water that my husband has been using for a year and a half, and we can make it much cheaper than bottled water. PLUS: Ten different ways to get this water... even if you're BROKE!
The surprising supplement that is said to help with back pain and bone loss, as well as to help reduce fibrosis.
A list of supplements that are shown to help the liver to reduce scar tissue.
A list of supplements that are shown to help the liver regenerate
The home remedy you should know about if you have gallstones
The home remedy that's been used for hundreds of years, to detoxify the liver
What will happen to you if you don't stop drinking (THE REAL LOWDOWN... you're not getting the "pamphlet version" from me!)
The supplement you should know about if you have blood clotting issues (which most people with cirrhosis do).
The supplement you should look into if you have hemochromatosis
A food (and supplement) that can work as a natural diuretic
A better, safer alternative to a liver biopsy
The doctor he saw to get rid of his umbilical hernia (and the alternative treatment he tried, that DIDN’T WORK). Also: What he used to help it heal FAST!
The treatment you should know about if your loved one has encephalopathy and an extremely high ammonia level (the nurses may not offer this, and if not, you can request it)
How to Do a Gallbladder Flush with the same type of water machine my husband uses
The advanced technology that's widely approved as a medical treatment in Europe, to help with circulation (but hardly anyone in the US knows about it)
Why the water my husband drinks is, in my strong opinion, BETTER THAN Lactulose!
How To Reduce Your Risk For Encephalopathy.... 8 Things You Should Know About!
The combination of supplements known to improve vascular function and help with eliminating erectile dysfunction in almost all men who participated in a groundbreaking study.
Tips for helping your teeth, preventing bacteria and gum disease.
The most powerful supplements (that you can get on Amazon.com) I have ever heard of, for Cancer.
You may have already seen my main blog about cirrhosis (if not, you can find it by going to the "about me" section on the right side of the page). You can also see some of my testimonials on this page: http://healing-liver-cirrhosis.blogspot.com/2017/04/amazing-testimonials-from-people-who.html.
I have spent literally thousands of hours doing research and writing, to share what we learned (if you have a look you'll see the posts date all the way back to 2013).
In the summer of 2015, I started talking to people over the phone, for free, and I've spent the last year and a half talking to hundreds of people with cirrhosis (and their family members). Although I have a ton of information on my blog, I still get many calls from people who want to talk to me on the phone about what my husband did.
Please understand that you can find a good amount of information on my main blog. The information that I provide there, completely for free, cost me TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars to learn about and write about it (I stopped working, in order to stay home and write). I strongly feel that the things I have on my main blog were very helpful to my husband in that first year of his recovery. I truly do feel that those things helped him get his MELD score down to an 8, in the first year of his recovery.
If you need more detailed information (or don't want to "dig" through my blog)...
I recently started doing paid phone sessions, for people who want additional support. I am NOT able to give "medical advice." I can give you my very strong opinion regarding what worked for my husband, and I can share a TON of information with you (in a condensed manner). These are the most critical things that I wish we had known about in the first year of my husband's recovery. I can't tell you for sure, what definitely would work for you, personally (neither can a doctor, but I do have to state that). My main objective is to save you time by presenting you with the very best resources I've found, after doing 5 years of research.
Knowing what I know now, I would have paid over a thousand bucks for this info, but there was nobody who was able to tell me about all this stuff I really needed to know from the moment my husband started showing the FIRST signs of Cirrhosis.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PHONE SESSION COMES WITH A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If for some reason you don't feel that I was able to give you any advice that will save you AT LEAST the amount of money you paid for your phone session, I will refund your money. Just call me and let me know, within 48 hours after the session (I will try to make it right, and if I can't, I'll give you back your money).
What you get when you a book a phone session:
A phone session is 20-30 minutes. I want to spend almost all of that time hearing your story, and giving you time to ask me questions directly. Again, I'm not a doctor, but I can share lots of research based on what you tell me, and then you can make your own decisions about what you want to do for yourself or your loved one. I will try answer whatever I can. When our session is over, I can give you access to a private blog that I created, to basically tell you everything that I would normally tell you during a phone conversation that would normally last 3 hours! There is additional information in the private blog, that you will not find on my main (free) blog.
In addition, if you purchase a consultation, you will be eligible for a bonus coupon. If you choose to purchase a machine, you can use the coupon for that.
I have recently realized that it is inefficient (for everyone) when I keep repeating the same stuff over and over again. It eats into the time that I need to be spending following up with people who have purchased machines from us. I realized it would be more beneficial for everyone if I could just put the most important information into a special blog, that you could access at your own convenience. My guess is that you don't want to spend 3 straight hours on the phone, either!
PLEASE NOTE... these phone sessions, and my private blogs, are ONLY for people with cirrhosis, or their family members who are trying to help them. I will need to do the phone session first, and then if you would like to have blog access, I will give it to you after you've booked your phone session and we've spoken on the phone.
This is what I cover on my new, private blog:
The very first thing I would do, after getting a diagnosis of cirrhosis, based on what I know now.
The advice I wish someone had given me, ASAP, if I had cirrhosis.
The common drugs your doc may be giving you, that may cause serious long term side effects (which your doctor likely won’t tell you about)
The type food you absolutely SHOULD NOT EAT if you have advanced cirrhosis (it could kill you).
The common drugs your doc may be giving you, that may cause serious long term side effects (which your doctor likely won’t tell you about)
The type food you absolutely SHOULD NOT EAT if you have advanced cirrhosis (it could kill you).
Why we didn’t want to go the transplant route (there is a LOT that the doctors will NOT tell you)!
The Powerful Supplement Combination that helped my husband TREMENDOUSLY (I really feel like it saved his life).
The reason it’s so critical to remove toxins from the body ASAP
The drink my husband drank dozens of GALLONS OF in 2014, that you can go and get TODAY (cost is about $30 a gallon but well worth it)
The SUPER POTENT type of water that my husband has been using for a year and a half, and we can make it much cheaper than bottled water. PLUS: Ten different ways to get this water... even if you're BROKE!
The thing that can bring on Encephalopathy within hours
The power juice combination that is known for helping people with cirrhosis
The type of juice that is very similar to the structure of our own blood (you should look into this if you are low on hemoglogin, or are "iron deficient.")
The powerful little over-the-counter pill that can reduce the risk of encephalopathy by 40 percent
The type of juice that is very similar to the structure of our own blood (you should look into this if you are low on hemoglogin, or are "iron deficient.")
The powerful little over-the-counter pill that can reduce the risk of encephalopathy by 40 percent
The advanced technology my husband used after seeing a video showing how it increases blood flow. Within a few months of using it, he was kicking my butt going up 5 flights of stairs.
machine my husband uses, that doctors have used to help patients with
cirrhosis, for decades.
The nutrient-packed products he used in 2011 that seemed to turn him around after he was first diagnosed
The book he read that greatly helped him to overcome his urge to drink
The surprising supplement that is said to help with back pain and bone loss, as well as to help reduce fibrosis.
A list of supplements that are shown to help the liver to reduce scar tissue.
A list of supplements that are shown to help the liver regenerate
The home remedy you should know about if you have gallstones
The home remedy that's been used for hundreds of years, to detoxify the liver
What will happen to you if you don't stop drinking (THE REAL LOWDOWN... you're not getting the "pamphlet version" from me!)
The supplement you should know about if you have blood clotting issues (which most people with cirrhosis do).
The supplement you should look into if you have hemochromatosis
A food (and supplement) that can work as a natural diuretic
A better, safer alternative to a liver biopsy
The doctor he saw to get rid of his umbilical hernia (and the alternative treatment he tried, that DIDN’T WORK). Also: What he used to help it heal FAST!
The treatment you should know about if your loved one has encephalopathy and an extremely high ammonia level (the nurses may not offer this, and if not, you can request it)
How to Do a Gallbladder Flush with the same type of water machine my husband uses
The advanced technology that's widely approved as a medical treatment in Europe, to help with circulation (but hardly anyone in the US knows about it)
Why the water my husband drinks is, in my strong opinion, BETTER THAN Lactulose!
How To Reduce Your Risk For Encephalopathy.... 8 Things You Should Know About!
The CHEAP, powerful anti-aging supplement that is shown to increase longevity and reverse aging (that is more effective than similar supplements that cost over $500 per month).
The combination of supplements known to improve vascular function and help with eliminating erectile dysfunction in almost all men who participated in a groundbreaking study.
Tips for helping your teeth, preventing bacteria and gum disease.
The most powerful supplements (that you can get on Amazon.com) I have ever heard of, for Cancer.
The supplement I take that has kept me from getting sick over the last 10 years.
I look forward to speaking with you!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
My Husband's Fibroscan Results - January 2016
I finally finished a video showing the results of my husband's FibroScan. You can see it here:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If you have cirrhosis you should be under a doctor's care. Cirrhosis is a very serious and life-threatening condition. I am not a doctor and am unable to give medical advice. I've just learned a lot over the last 4 years, since my husband was first diagnosed with cirrhosis (the earlier stages), and I want to share with you what we learned.
I've done a lot of research on different supplements but I am not a doctor and cannot advise you on what you should take and what you should not. Certain things may have worked for my husband but I cannot say they will work for you. You may need more than what he needed. Cirrhosis is a very serious, life threatening condition that hospitalizes over 300,000 people per year and 25,000 people die from it annually (these statistics are from the US alone). Make no mistake, cirrhosis kills, and it kills often. If you are in stage 3 or 4, you should take this very seriously. DO NOT WAIT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
After a year of absence from seeing my husband's liver specialist (and a year of drinking Jake's "special water" plus a few other tricks) we finally went back today, so he could get his much-anticipated Fibroscan! (I'm going to upload a video of it soon so you can see it was for real).
For anyone not familiar with our story, my husband Jake was hospitalized 4 times, due to cirrhosis (from alcohol), between 2011 and 2014. He had late stage cirrhosis (end stage liver disease) and was told he would have to get a transplant and probably have to go on disability. Many people thought he would die. His skin was greenish/yellowish/gray, he looked like a pregnant skeleton, and doctors made it sound like there is no way to reverse cirrhosis. He really did look like he was going to die. The people from his hospital sent a priest into his room and also another person to talk to him about getting his affairs in order!

We have been wanting to do this test forever, but just couldn't afford it until now. For those of you with cirrhosis, or those of you who have loved ones with it, you know that cirrhosis can be a bit like having a black hole in your bank account (when you total up all the expenses for my husband's cirrhosis it is upwards of a quarter million dollars). A Fibroscan costs around $500, and Jake still doesn't have health insurance, but some places may give a discount - like 30 percent - if you don't have insurance and pay within 30 days. Luckily the place we went to was able to give us this discount.

Ever since I saw a man (who drinks the same water Jake does) say his doctor said he didn't have cirrhosis (even though he'd had it for 7 years) and couldn't seem to find it on an ultrasound (which I believe was a Fibroscan), I was hopeful that my husband would have similar results when he got his Fibroscan. I know my husband's score may not be as good as the guy who said that, but he has made undeniably significant progress (and I don't think that guy ever had cirrhosis that was as bad as my husband's). It seems that they have made about the same "degrees" of improvement (which appears to be a lot).
The guy who said he no longer had cirrhosis, said that his doctor had said, in order to have cirrhosis, he would have to have a score of 12.5, but he was only at a 6.3.
He was told he had "the liver of a 45 year old." I couldn't tell how old the guy was, but I'm guessing he was probably about 50 (but looking good for his age).
So, the whole time I watched the screen while my husband's ultrasound was being performed, I kept thinking, please be under 12.5, please stay under 12.5.... and I am very happy to report that these are the scores that my husband had:
7.9 (1.62)
11.4 (1.95)
8.0 (1.63)
10.2 (1.85)
His "Mean Value" (Overall) Score is 9.37.
A person with cirrhosis has a score of 12.5+
I actually got a little teary eyed as I watched the numbers on the screen. I'd been waiting to see this for a long time! We've worked so hard to try to reverse his cirrhosis, and now I feel like we have proof that all that effort paid off.
Jake's doctor confirmed that he appears to be in STAGE 3, which means his liver disease has reverted back to FIBROSIS, AND NOT CIRRHOSIS!
(UPDATE from Ellie: A few weeks after writing this post, I took a look at this chart - also shown below, on this page, and according to the chart, technically, my husband is in stage TWO, not three. True, he's "on the cusp" but technically 9.4 is the marker for Stage 3, and Jake's score is 9.37!)
I do realize it is still somewhat serious to have fibrosis (and if you have any type of fibrosis - which still means liver disease - you should still be under a doctor's care), so we don't take this lightly, and we DO plan to continue doing what we can, to heal his liver as much as possible. But I am just so relieved to know that he really was able to reverse his cirrhosis.*
That's right... let me say this loud and clear....
I am not able to use the word cure. So I cannot say his liver disease has been "cured" by the water or anything else. I'm saying, look at his results, I can tell you what he did, and you are feel free to draw your own conclusions. If you asked for my personal opinion on what gave him these results, I'd say, in my opinion, the water had a lot to do with it, but I can't make medical claims and don't have the $ to do a double blind medical study. The thing I need to study is my husband, as I have been for 4 years, and something gave him these results.
I spoke with someone who worked for Fibroscan, who told me that yes, the score is calculated by getting an average of the numbers. He did say that usually there are 10 numbers, and I'm not sure why my husband just had 4. But whatever the case, the doctor did confirm that he is no longer in Stage 4 (so he no longer has cirrhosis).
I am hoping that as long as he continues to do what he is doing (and add green juice and shakes back into his diet), he may even be able to have a normal liver again. One thing that I learned from Dr. Andrew Weil is that the body has a tremendous capacity to heal itself, and I'm a definite believer!
I'm not a doctor and cannot make medical claims, and will not make medical claims. And I also need to tell you that if you have any degree of fibrosis or cirrhosis, you are supposed to be under a doctor's care.
Where to get a Fibroscan:
If you live in the US, go to:
If you live in Canada, go to:
In case you are wondering how much it costs, I know the costs may vary in different areas but we were told it costs $413.00... BUT we were also told that because my husband doesn't have insurance, they will give him a 40% discount if he pays within 30 days. So the cost was more like $248.00. His specialist charges between $800 and $1200 per hour, but because it was a follow-up visit, it was less. Our total bill, for the follow up plus the fibroscan came out to about $589.00. Which is why we waited so long to do it... we had to save up! But still... overall, it was less than I thought it would cost. It should be a lot less if you have insurance.
Learning to Read a Fibroscan
I still need to figure this out, but it sounds like the number in parenthesis is for an "m/s" score... and I'm having a hard time understanding what the "m" stands for (millimeter? micron?) but the "S" appears to stand for "second." So, it would mean _____ (mm or whatever) per second.
Although I do like Jake's doctor, he didn't seem particularly interested in educating us about what the different scores meant. I can't completely say that I blame him. As much as I do try to be sweet and polite while I'm there, it's hard to completely hide how smug I feel about the progress Jake has made with alternative treatments, when doctors seemed just as smug with US... telling him over and over again that he was going to need a transplant, and that he'd probably have to go on disability!
I've heard over and over again that "there is no way to reverse cirrhosis." Now I can finally, officially say, THAT'S Bull****!
It's got to be annoying to spend all those years in medical school, only to have some random patient's wife with no college degree, come along and insinuate that her husband was able to reverse his cirrhosis without pharmaceutical drugs or medical supervision.
Jake's doctor definitely seemed surprised by his results, and he actually called the elastographer into the room to double check on the report. I couldn't help having a flashback to the time they weighed Jake and they made him go into another room to use a different scale, because he had gained so much weight back so quickly, the nurse thought there must be something wrong with the scale! As I said before... it wasn't thescale that needed fixing... it was their treatment protocols!
I am hopeful that he will be able to reduce his cirrhosis even further. I will be making him green shakes again, and he will continue to drink the water, and he will continue to do PEMF (we're going to upgrade to a top of the line machine we found out can be financed for just $50 a month). I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I'm going to anyway... Jake's diet is not the best. He eats a ton of candy and sweets so it's almost kind of shocking that his results are as good as they are. I DO NOT recommend you do the same. I don't have the best diet right now either, and I've been blaming it on stress. I realize we both slacked a lot because we thought, oh, we have this great water so we don't have to watch what we eat so much, but that WILL get you in trouble over the long run. I know we really need to get back to eating healthy, and I plan to go back to making shakes for the hubby on a daily basis!
A 5-point scale is used in grading the degree of liver fibrosis:
- F0= no fibrosis
- F1= minimal fibrosis
- F2= fibrosis has occurred and spread inside the areas of the liver including blood vessels
- F3= fibrosis is spreading and connecting to other liver areas that contain fibrosis
- F4= cirrhosis or advance liver fibrosis
- See more at: http://hepatitiscnewdrugresearch.com/fibroscan-results-the-scoring-card.html#sthash.A4O0pGud.dpuf
Fibroscan scoring card
Keeping this in mind, we can use the Fibroscan scoring card to convert Fibroscan results measured in (kPa) into the Metavir scale F1-F4.
Keeping this in mind, we can use the Fibroscan scoring card to convert Fibroscan results measured in (kPa) into the Metavir scale F1-F4.
- See more at:
Located on the bottom of the Fibroscan scoring card is Fibroscan results in (kPa) measurements 0-75, more accurately Fibroscan results range from 2.5 kPa to 75 kPa. Between 90–95% of healthy people without liver disease will have a liver scarring measurement less then 7.0 kPa (median is 5.3 kPa).
A person with chronic hepatitis C and a liver stiffness more then 14 kPa has approximately a 90% probability of having cirrhosis, while patients with liver stiffness more then 7 kPa have around an 85% probability of at least significant fibrosis.
However, research has shown Fibroscan accuracy in assessing lower degrees of liver fibrosis (F1-F2) is not as reliable compared to diagnosing advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis (F3/F4) - See more at: http://hepatitiscnewdrugresearch.com/fibroscan-results-the-scoring-card.html#sthash.A4O0pGud.dpuf
Fibroscan Scoring Card
Two Examples of people with liver disease:
A fibroscan score of 8.2 in "hepatitis C " is the same as fibrosis stage 1-2 or (F1- F2) as shown in the color coded scale.
A fibroscan of 12.2 in a patient with "alcoholic liver disease" is borderline cirrhosis or (F3) .
A fibroscan score of 8.2 in "hepatitis C " is the same as fibrosis stage 1-2 or (F1- F2) as shown in the color coded scale.
A fibroscan of 12.2 in a patient with "alcoholic liver disease" is borderline cirrhosis or (F3) .
- See more at: http://hepatitiscnewdrugresearch.com/fibroscan-results-the-scoring-card.html#sthash.A4O0pGud.dpuf
In trying to understand how to read a fibroscan, I listened to this video below, which explains it a little more.
If you want to learn more about why I recommend Jake's "special water," you can go to:
If you want to request more information about the water and other things he did over the last few years, go to: http://healing-liver-cirrhosis.blogspot.com/2016/01/if-youre-looking-for-information-about_15.html
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Today I learned of a 7th person who died from cirrhosis, and in my opinion, this shouldn't have to ever happen to anyone. I'm hoping more and more people will somehow be able to get the results my husband did.
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