Tuesday, June 21, 2016

My Husband's Fibroscan Results - January 2016

I finally finished a video showing the results of my husband's FibroScan. You can see it here:


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If you have cirrhosis you should be under a doctor's care. Cirrhosis is a very serious and life-threatening condition. I am not a doctor and am unable to give medical advice. I've just learned a lot over the last 4 years, since my husband was first diagnosed with cirrhosis (the earlier stages), and I want to share with you what we learned.

I've done a lot of research on different supplements but I am not a doctor and cannot advise you on what you should take and what you should not. Certain things may have worked for my husband but I cannot say they will work for you. You may need more than what he needed. Cirrhosis is a very serious, life threatening condition that hospitalizes over 300,000 people per year and 25,000 people die from it annually (these statistics are from the US alone). Make no mistake, cirrhosis kills, and it kills often. If you are in stage 3 or 4, you should take this very seriously. DO NOT WAIT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!


After a year of absence from seeing my husband's liver specialist (and a year of drinking Jake's "special water" plus a few other tricks) we finally went back today, so he could get his much-anticipated Fibroscan! (I'm going to upload a video of it soon so you can see it was for real).

For anyone not familiar with our story, my husband Jake was hospitalized 4 times, due to cirrhosis (from alcohol), between 2011 and 2014. He had late stage cirrhosis (end stage liver disease) and was told he would have to get a transplant and probably have to go on disability. Many people thought he would die. His skin was greenish/yellowish/gray, he looked like a pregnant skeleton, and doctors made it sound like there is no way to reverse cirrhosis. He really did look like he was going to die. The people from his hospital sent a priest into his room and also another person to talk to him about getting his affairs in order!

When we went in today, I loved seeing all theGREEN on his chart on the doctor's computer screen (wish I could have gotten a clearer picture but I didn't dare get closer, as I knew his doctor would be annoyed to see me taking a photo at all... i was standing behind him while he talked to my husband). There is a yellow row at the bottom but I'm not sure why because there is nothing in it.

We have been wanting to do this test forever, but just couldn't afford it until now. For those of you with cirrhosis, or those of you who have loved ones with it, you know that cirrhosis can be a bit like having a black hole in your bank account (when you total up all the expenses for my husband's cirrhosis it is upwards of a quarter million dollars). A Fibroscan costs around $500, and Jake still doesn't have health insurance, but some places may give a discount - like 30 percent - if you don't have insurance and pay within 30 days. Luckily the place we went to was able to give us this discount.

Although we are still facingmounds of debt thanks to cirrhosis, my husband recently got a long-awaited, and well-deserved raise at work, and we were able to take the plunge and get this thing done once and for all!

Ever since I saw a man (who drinks the same water Jake does) say his doctor said he didn't have cirrhosis (even though he'd had it for 7 years) and couldn't seem to find it on an ultrasound (which I believe was a Fibroscan), I was hopeful that my husband would have similar results when he got his Fibroscan. I know my husband's score may not be as good as the guy who said that, but he has made undeniably significant progress (and I don't think that guy ever had cirrhosis that was as bad as my husband's). It seems that they have made about the same "degrees" of improvement (which appears to be a lot).

The guy who said he no longer had cirrhosis, said that his doctor had said, in order to have cirrhosis, he would have to have a score of 12.5, but he was only at a 6.3.

 He was told he had "the liver of a 45 year old." I couldn't tell how old the guy was, but I'm guessing he was probably about 50 (but looking good for his age).

So, the whole time I watched the screen while my husband's ultrasound was being performed, I kept thinking, please be under 12.5, please stay under 12.5.... and I am very happy to report that these are the scores that my husband had:

7.9 (1.62)
11.4 (1.95)
8.0 (1.63)
10.2 (1.85)

His "Mean Value" (Overall) Score is 9.37.
A person with cirrhosis has a score of 12.5+  

I actually got a little teary eyed as I watched the numbers on the screen. I'd been waiting to see this for a long time! We've worked so hard to try to reverse his cirrhosis, and now I feel like we have proof that all that effort paid off.   
Jake's doctor confirmed that he appears to be in STAGE 3, which means his liver disease has reverted back to FIBROSIS, AND NOT CIRRHOSIS!

(UPDATE from Ellie: A few weeks after writing this post, I took a look at this chart - also shown below, on this page, and according to the chart, technically, my husband is in stage TWO, not three. True, he's "on the cusp" but technically 9.4 is the marker for Stage 3, and Jake's score is 9.37!) 

I do realize it is still somewhat serious to have fibrosis (and if you have any type of fibrosis - which still means liver disease - you should still be under a doctor's care), so we don't take this lightly, and we DO plan to continue doing what we can, to heal his liver as much as possible. But I am just so relieved to know that he really was able to reverse his cirrhosis.*

That's right... let me say this loud and clear....


I am not able to use the word cure. So I cannot say his liver disease has been "cured" by the water or anything else. I'm saying, look at his results, I can tell you what he did, and you are feel free to draw your own conclusions. If you asked for my personal opinion on what gave him these results, I'd say, in my opinion, the water had a lot to do with it, but I can't make medical claims and don't have the $ to do a double blind medical study.  The thing I need to study is my husband, as I have been for 4 years, and something gave him these results.

I spoke with someone who worked for Fibroscan, who told me that yes, the score is calculated by getting an average of the numbers. He did say that usually there are 10 numbers, and I'm not sure why my husband just had 4.  But whatever the case, the doctor did confirm that he is no longer in Stage 4 (so he no longer has cirrhosis).

I am hoping that as long as he continues to do what he is doing (and add green juice and shakes back into his diet), he may even be able to have a normal liver again. One thing that I learned from Dr. Andrew Weil is that the body has a tremendous capacity to heal itself, and I'm a definite believer!

 I'm not a doctor and cannot make medical claims, and will not make medical claims. And I also need to tell you that if you have any degree of fibrosis or cirrhosis, you are supposed to be under a doctor's care.

Where to get a Fibroscan: 

If you live in the US, go to:
If you live in Canada, go to: 

In case you are wondering how much it costs, I know the costs may vary in different areas but we were told it costs $413.00... BUT we were also told that because my husband doesn't have insurance, they will give him a 40% discount if he pays within 30 days. So the cost was more like $248.00. His specialist charges between $800 and $1200 per hour, but because it was a follow-up visit, it was less. Our total bill, for the follow up plus the fibroscan came out to about $589.00. Which is why we waited so long to do it... we had to save up! But still... overall, it was less than I thought it would cost.  It should be a lot less if you have insurance.

Learning to Read a Fibroscan

I still need to figure this out, but it sounds like the number in parenthesis is for an "m/s" score... and I'm having a hard time understanding what the "m" stands for (millimeter? micron?) but the "S" appears to stand for "second." So, it would mean _____ (mm or whatever) per second.

Although I do like Jake's doctor, he didn't seem particularly interested in educating us about what the different scores meant. I can't completely say that I blame him. As much as I do try to be sweet and polite while I'm there, it's hard to completely hide how smug I feel about the progress Jake has made with alternative treatments, when doctors seemed just as smug with US... telling him over and over again that he was going to need a transplant, and that he'd probably have to go on disability!  

I've heard over and over again that "there is no way to reverse cirrhosis." Now I can finally, officially say, THAT'S Bull****!

It's got to be annoying to spend all those years in medical school, only to have some random patient's wife with no college degree, come along and insinuate that her husband was able to reverse his cirrhosis without pharmaceutical drugs or medical supervision.

Jake's doctor definitely seemed surprised by his results, and he actually called the elastographer into the room to double check on the report. I couldn't help having a flashback to the time they weighed Jake and they made him go into another room to use a different scale, because he had gained so much weight back so quickly, the nurse thought there must be something wrong with the scale! As I said before... it wasn't thescale that needed fixing... it was their treatment protocols!

I am hopeful that he will be able to reduce his cirrhosis even further. I will be making him green shakes again, and he will continue to drink the water, and he will continue to do PEMF (we're going to upgrade to a top of the line machine we found out can be financed for just $50 a month). I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I'm going to anyway... Jake's diet is not the best. He eats a ton of candy and sweets so it's almost kind of shocking that his results are as good as they are. I DO NOT recommend you do the same. I don't have the best diet right now either, and I've been blaming it on stress. I realize we both slacked a lot because we thought, oh, we have this great water so we don't have to watch what we eat so much, but that WILL get you in trouble over the long run. I know we really need to get back to eating healthy, and I plan to go back to making shakes for the hubby on a daily basis!


A 5-point scale is used in grading the degree of liver fibrosis:
  • F0= no fibrosis
  • F1= minimal fibrosis
  • F2= fibrosis has occurred and spread inside the areas of the liver including blood vessels
  • F3= fibrosis is spreading and connecting to other liver areas that contain fibrosis
  • F4= cirrhosis or advance liver fibrosis
- See more at: http://hepatitiscnewdrugresearch.com/fibroscan-results-the-scoring-card.html#sthash.A4O0pGud.dpuf

Fibroscan scoring card 
Keeping this in mind, we can use the Fibroscan scoring card to convert  Fibroscan results measured in (kPa) into the Metavir scale F1-F4. 

- See more at: 

Located on the bottom of the Fibroscan scoring card is Fibroscan results in (kPa) measurements 0-75, more accurately Fibroscan results range from 2.5 kPa to 75 kPaBetween 90–95% of healthy people without liver disease will have a liver scarring measurement less then 7.0 kPa (median is 5.3 kPa).
A person with chronic hepatitis C and a liver stiffness more then 14 kPa has approximately a 90% probability of having cirrhosis, while patients with liver stiffness more then 7 kPa have around an 85% probability of at least significant fibrosis. 

However,  research has shown Fibroscan accuracy in assessing lower degrees of liver fibrosis (F1-F2) is not as reliable compared to diagnosing advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis (F3/F4) - See more at: http://hepatitiscnewdrugresearch.com/fibroscan-results-the-scoring-card.html#sthash.A4O0pGud.dpuf

Fibroscan Scoring Card

Two Examples of people with liver disease:

A fibroscan score of  8.2 in "hepatitis C "  is the same as fibrosis stage 1-2 or (F1- F2) as shown in the color coded scale.

A fibroscan of 12.2  in a patient with "alcoholic liver disease" is borderline cirrhosis or (F3) .

- See more at: http://hepatitiscnewdrugresearch.com/fibroscan-results-the-scoring-card.html#sthash.A4O0pGud.dpuf

In trying to understand how to read a fibroscan, I listened to this video below, which explains it a little more. 

If you want to learn more about why I recommend Jake's "special water," you can go to:

If you want to request more information about the water and other things he did over the last few years, go to: http://healing-liver-cirrhosis.blogspot.com/2016/01/if-youre-looking-for-information-about_15.html

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Today I learned of a 7th person who died from cirrhosis, and in my opinion, this shouldn't have to ever happen to anyone.  I'm hoping more and more people will somehow be able to get the results my husband did.



  1. Call Dr.Iyaryi for urgent and fast love spell +2349057915709 or email him driayaryi2012@hotmail. com or (driayaryi2012@gmail. com)

    I lost my husband to another woman,after 4 years of marriage . We had a lovely marriage but he started a relationship with a co worker who chased after him . He is living away near his work and he refused to talk to me or to come home . I was so devastated and found it hard to cope. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a comment by Amber that suggested that Dr Iyaryi helped her solve her marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. 2 days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Iyaryi. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you. His email driayaryi2012@hotmail. com or (driayaryi2012@gmail. com) And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2349057915709 Thanks Dr. IyaryI

    1. i want to say a big thank you to DR peter for helping me get back my ex wife after 6 months of breakup. It was like a dream come true when my wife came back asking for second chance after leaving me and the kids for 6 months without communication. Thank you dr peter I will forever be grateful. You can contact dr peter for any spell including spell to heal any sickness and diseases via peterwiseherbalcenter@ gmail. com. Or WhatsApp him +2349059610643


  2. My name is Gloria from Senegal, I came in here to confirm Hepatitis B. testimony that I red online some months ago. I red about how Dr. Iyabiye cured one Mr. Henry and I decided to give it a try to see if my sister could be healed or cured too, behold doctor Iyabiye is indeed a sent to help people out of this miserable disease. My sister was dying of hepatitis b her stomach was swollen and complained of pains and weaknesses in her body, I came across iyabiye’s contact online while checking about hepatitis. My sister got cured after she applied his medication for a month. I am here to thank Dr. Iyabiye and to encourage people to reach him for help through: iyabiyehealinghome@gmail.com Call/Whatsapp: +2348072229413

  3. This is the most wonderful thing i have ever experienced. I visited here online on the 17 June and i saw a marvelous testimony of Tracie Adana from United States on the forum about the good works DR.tunde I never believed it, because have never heard anything about such miracle before. No body would have been able to convince me about it not until DR.tunde did a marvelous work for me that restored my marriage of 4 years by getting back my husband back i just as i read on the internet. I'm Carolina peter I was truly shocked when my husband knelt down pleading for forgiveness to accept him back. I am really short of words to use to show my appreciation to DR.tunde For his a God sent to me and my entire family for divine restoration of my marriage. Contact him now for any kind of help via Email:babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail.com or you can contact his whats-app mobile line +2348143581382 Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, PREGNANCY, DIABETES AND MORE

  4. It is no secret that I have a very deep and personal relationship with God. I have pushed and resisted that relationship this past year through all the bullshit I have had to go through living with Herpes but once again, God is bigger than my stubbornness and broke through that outbreak cold sore and all I had Genital Herpes. For me personally, hearing over and over how I am not good enough has really invaded my mind in the worst way possible. I completely shut down and I was just waking up like is this how life going to end this temporary herpes outbreak “fuck everybody with herpes if you know what I mean” but let's be honest here...
    It is a cowardly to say no to herbal medicine. It is fear based. And it is dishonest to what my heart wants. Don't build a wall around yourself because you are afraid of herbals made or taking a bold step especially when it's come to health issues and getting cure. So many young men/ women tell me over and over that Dr Itua is going to scam me but I give him a try to today I feel like no one will ever convince me about herbal medicine I accept Dr Itua herbal medicine because it's cure my herpes just two weeks of drinking it and i have been living for a year and months now I experience outbreak no more, You can contact him if you need his herbal medicine for any such diseases like, Herpes, Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic,Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob,,Lyme Disease,Epilepsy, ,ALS,Hepatitis,Copd,Parkinson disease.Genetic disease,Fibrodysplasia disease,Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Men/Woman infertility, bowel disease ,Huntington's disease ,Diabetes,Fibroid. disease,Lipoid Storage diseases( Gauchers disease),Polycystic Disease.,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Cirrhosis of Liver,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic,HIV, Epilepsy, Infertility, Love Spell,. Email..drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com then what's app.+2348149277967.... My advice to any sick men/women out there is simple... Be Always an open book. Be gut wrenching honest about yourself, your situation, and what you are all about. Don't hold anything back. Holding back will get you nowhere...maybe a one way ticket to lonelyville and that is NOT somewhere you want to be. So my final truth...and I'm just starting to grasp this one..

  5. HOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover unemespellben@gmail.com
    Am DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
    EMAIL: unemespellben@gmail.com WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120

    Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME

  6. All thanks to the might spell caster Dr okeke am Lisa Steven i can't believe I got my ex back to me. with the help of Dr okeke spell I had read some stuff about Dr.okeke how he help people restore there marriage or relationship before i contact him he said he will help me bring him back to me I never wanted to believe him because of what I went through of those fake people who claims to be spell caster but i didn't know that all those great stuff I read about Dr okeke were so real and accurate until i got my ex back, after Dr okeke asking for my picture and my husband picture after some time Dr okeke call me and told me my husband is coming back home within 2days it was like a joke to me but i was so surprise that my husband who lift me about 5months ago came back to me within 2days asking for my forgiveness After getting my ex back i taught it wise to share my testimony and the good work of Dr okeke with every one on this website I know most people will not believe this testimony because of those fake people online who claims to be a spell caster well am telling the world now there are still real and truthful spell caster and Dr okeke is one of the best and true spell caster i have ever see contact Dr okeke today your problem will be solved Dr okeke is real and truthful spell caster that rebuild any broken relationship or marriage with love spell. Do feel free to Contact Dr okeke via email:( writelovespell@gmail.com.) or reach him on WhatsApp (+2348140443360) he the solution to your problem and predicament

  7. Hello I'm From Memphis Tennessee, USA I feel so joyful today because of the help Dr  Sunny has rendered to me for  getting my Husband back with his spell. I have been married for 4 years and it has been so terrible because my husband was cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce. But when i came across Dr Sunny Email, on the internet posted by a lady, i decided to get in touch with him and i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case for there is no problem without a solution. Here i am celebrating because my Husband is back home and am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. i will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Sunny is truly a real spell caster. Why not contact Dr Sunny now if you are facing any challenges in your relationship life. Email solutioncentre911@gmail.com Also specialize i 1) love Spell2) Pregnancy  Spell
    3) Divorce Spell
    4)  Marriage Spell
    5) Healing Spell
    6) Spell for Break
    7) Money Spell
    8.) You want to be promoted in your office
    9) you want to satisfy your lover
    contact this great man if you have a problem for a lasting solution Through Email: solutioncentre911@gmail.com  

  8. i want to say a big thank you to DR peter for helping me get back my ex wife after 6 months of breakup. It was like a dream come true when my wife came back asking for second chance after leaving me and the kids for 6 months without communication. Thank you dr peter I will forever be grateful. You can contact dr peter for any spell including spell to heal any sickness and diseases via peterwiseherbalcenter@ gmail. com. Or WhatsApp him +2349059610643

  9. I was heartbroken because i had very small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OKISIN and decided to email him at dr.okisinsolutiontemple@gmail.com, so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 14days of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, " and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer and i am so happy, contact DR OKISIN now via email dr.okisinsolutiontemple@gmail.com  or his Whatsapp number +2348149508633. may God reward you for your good work.
    HE ALSO RENDER THE FOLLOWING ........1.  BRING YOUR EX BACK........... 2. LOTTERY SPELL......... 3. PREGNANCY SPELL ..........4. WEAK ERECTION ............5. POOR EJACULATION.............

  10. Real spell caster to bring back my ex lover no matter why he left you.WhatsApp dr.Ogededgbe +2348109374702 his result is 100% guarantee. I got my husband back, Special Thanks to dr Ogedegbe for bringing back my ex husband, he left me because he caught me cheating. But with the help of dr Ogedegbe love spell I was able to have my husband back. he called me 11 hours after the spell has being done. I am glad I used your spell, contact dr Ogedegbe for help now if you are having troubles in your marriage/relationship. Here’s his contact, WhatsApp him: +2348109374702 , Email him at: dr.ogedegbe6@gmail.com   thanks to you dr Ogedegbe for your good work in my life........

  11. Here is  my testimony on how I was cured of HIV by Dr Akhigbe,with his natural herbal medicine.  on a regular basis in efforts to help others when I could. As you may know, each donation is tested.  Well, on July 6th I had a meeting with a Red Cross representative and was told that I had HIV. “What went through your mind when you heard that "Rose" Good question reader! To be honest, I thought my life was over, that I would ever find love, get married, have children or anything normal. Lucky for me I have an amazing support system.  My family supported me then I never thought that I was invincible to STD s or pregnancy or anything else parents warn their kids about. I just didn’t think about it. I was in a monogamous relationship and thought that I asked the right questions.  We even talked about marriage Scary.  During that time I was in college and donated blood on a re as well. who helped me in search of cure through the media.there we saw a good testimony of sister 'Kate' about the good work of Dr Akhigbe natural herbal medicine cure.then I copied his email address and contacted him. A good herbalist doctor with a good heart, he is kind, loving and caring. He replied back to my message and told me what to do. After a week the doctor sent me my herbal medicine and instructed me how to take it.Yes it worked very well, after drinking it I went to the hospital for another test and everything turned negative. What a wonderful testimony I can never forget in my life. Dr Akhigbe is a man who gave me a life to live happily forever so all I want you all to believe and know that cure of HIV is real and herbs is a powerful medicine and it works and heals.  Dr Akhigbe also used his herbal medicine to cure diseases like:   HERPES, DIABETES, SCABIES, HEPATITIS A/B, STROKE, CANCER, ALS, TUBERCULOSIS, ASTHMA, PENIS ENLARGEMENT, MALARIA, LUPUS, LIVER CIRRHOSIS, DEPRESSION, HIV/AIDS, EPILEPSY, BACTERIAL, DIARRHEA, HEART DISEASES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, PARKINSON'S, ALZHEIMER, COLD URTICARIA, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS,INSOMNIA,  BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS, SCHIZOPHRENIA, JOINT PAIN, STOMACH PAIN, CHROME DISEASES, CHLAMYDIA, INSOMNIA HEARTBURN, ,  THYROID, MAR BURG DISEASES, MENINGITIS, ARTHRITIS, BODY WEAK, SMALLPOX, DENGUE, FEVER, CURBS, CHANCRE, ETC.   You are there and you find yourself in any of these situations, kindly contact Dr Akhigbe now to help you get rid of it. Here is his email address:
       drrealakhigbe@gmail.com      or you can write to him on whats app with his phone number:   +2349010754824.
      My appreciation is to share his testimony for the world to know the good work Dr Akhigbe has done for me and he will do the same for you.

  12. I want to thank Dr Emu a very powerful spell caster who help me to bring my husband back to me, few month ago i have a serious problem with my husband, to the extend that he left the house, and he started dating another woman and he stayed with the woman, i tried all i can to bring him back, but all my effort was useless until the day my friend came to my house and i told her every thing that had happened between me and my husband, then she told me of a powerful spell caster who help her when she was in the same problem I then contact Dr Emu and told him every thing and he told me not to worry my self again that my husband will come back to me after he has cast a spell on him, i thought it was a joke, after he had finish casting the spell, he told me that he had just finish casting the spell, to my greatest surprise within 48 hours, my husband really came back begging me to forgive him, if you need his help you can contact him with via email: Emutemple@gmail.com or add him up on his whatsapp +2347012841542 is willing to help any body that need his help. 

  13. Dr. Iyabiye it’s a herbal specialist he specializes in curing different kinds of diseases/virus like: HEPATITIS, CIRRHOSIS DISEASE, STAPHYLOCOCCUS and many more. I was once a hepatitis victim and I got healed by his medication, contact him if interested and get cured. I am a testimony to his medicine. Contacts: (+234-815-857-7300) (iyabiyehealinghome@gmail.com)

  14. I'm Redha Soyan, Out of respect for you and your spells I must make this testimony known to all, I've been to other spell casters without seeing any result. I just wished I came to you earlier, I got the best from you. My ex husband was gone for a year and I went everywhere and other spell casters for help but no result until my friend introduced me to Dr. Ken After the Love Spell was done, I finally got a call from him. His spells worked wonders and my husband is back full of love. It's a miracle! He suddenly came back with flowers saying that i should forgive him, i was truly flabbergasted and shocked when my husband kneel down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I'm really short of words and joyful, you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now I am a joyful woman once again. Thank you so much Dr. Ken To everyone who is looking for a real spell caster should contact Dr. Ken On Drkenlovespell@gmail.com OR you can also reach him directly on his Whatsapp  +1(201) 992-1012.

  15. I'm Redha Soyan, Out of respect for you and your spells I must make this testimony known to all, I've been to other spell casters without seeing any result. I just wished I came to you earlier, I got the best from you. My ex husband was gone for a year and I went everywhere and other spell casters for help but no result until my friend introduced me to Dr. Ken After the Love Spell was done, I finally got a call from him. His spells worked wonders and my husband is back full of love. It's a miracle! He suddenly came back with flowers saying that i should forgive him, i was truly flabbergasted and shocked when my husband kneel down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I'm really short of words and joyful, you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now I am a joyful woman once again. Thank you so much Dr. Ken To everyone who is looking for a real spell caster should contact Dr. Ken On Drkenlovespell@gmail.com OR you can also reach him directly on his Whatsapp  +1(201) 992-1012.

  16. I'm Redha Soyan, Out of respect for you and your spells I must make this testimony known to all, I've been to other spell casters without seeing any result. I just wished I came to you earlier, I got the best from you. My ex husband was gone for a year and I went everywhere and other spell casters for help but no result until my friend introduced me to Dr. Ken After the Love Spell was done, I finally got a call from him. His spells worked wonders and my husband is back full of love. It's a miracle! He suddenly came back with flowers saying that i should forgive him, i was truly flabbergasted and shocked when my husband kneel down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I'm really short of words and joyful, you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now I am a joyful woman once again. Thank you so much Dr. Ken To everyone who is looking for a real spell caster should contact Dr. Ken On Drkenlovespell@gmail.com OR you can also reach him directly on his Whatsapp  +1(201) 992-1012.

  17. Hello my name is Chloe Elizabeth I'm from USA i want to testify of a great and powerful spell caster my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when i called him he didn't pick up when he came back home the 3rd week he told me he wanted a divorce i was so sad i cried all night he left again i was so lonely the next day i was searching for something online when i found a spell caster called Dr Osasu who have helped so many people with their problems so i contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24hrs and my husband will be back to me i did every thing he told me to do and the next day my husband came back kneeling and begging he canceled the divorce we are now happy together Dr Osasu can help you too Email him at


    WhatsApp +2347064365391

  18. Hello my name is Chloe Elizabeth I'm from USA i want to testify of a great and powerful spell caster my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when i called him he didn't pick up when he came back home the 3rd week he told me he wanted a divorce i was so sad i cried all night he left again i was so lonely the next day i was searching for something online when i found a spell caster called Dr Osasu who have helped so many people with their problems so i contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24hrs and my husband will be back to me i did every thing he told me to do and the next day my husband came back kneeling and begging he canceled the divorce we are now happy together Dr Osasu can help you too Email him at


    WhatsApp +2347064365391

  19. I am out today to let the world know about this great man from Africa he is a good man and his spell work 💯 % according to your heart desire contacts him today and get your problem Solved because when I contacted him I thought it won't work but at last am with my husband today and with my kids all thanks to Dr Okosun you are indeed a great man God bless you' you can contact him via what's app +2348133974847 or

  20. Hello I feel amazed after a long period of emotional depression with my husband which I almost lost hope in but all thanks to my girlfriend (Annie) who had same problem years back so I confided in her and she gave me hope to smile again by giving me an advice on how she got through her emotional depression pains with the help of a great spiritual priestess called Dr BleBle who helped me restored my broken/lost relationship back happily and I am so grateful for her help thank you Annie baby girl for giving me this positive contact advice that brought back my happy marriage again email Dr BleBle via (drbleble525@gmail.com) of joy

    WhatsApp him via +234 705 703 4263
